Neutron Absorption
The neutron absorption reaction is the most important type of reactions that take place in a nuclear reactor. The absorption reactions are reactions, where the neutron is completely absorbed and compound nucleus is formed. This is the very important feature, because the mode of decay of such compound nucleus does not depend on the way the compound nucleus was formed. Therefore a variety of emissions or decays may follow. The most important absorption reactions are divided by the exit channel into two following reactions:
- Radiative Capture. Most absorption reactions result in the loss of a neutron coupled with the production of one or more gamma rays. This is referred to as a capture reaction, and it is denoted by σγ.
- Neutron-induced Fission Reaction. Some nuclei (fissionable nuclei) may undergo a fission event, leading to two or more fission fragments (nuclei of intermediate atomic weight) and a few neutrons. In a fissionable material, the neutron may simply be captured, or it may cause nuclear fission. For fissionable materials we thus divide the absorption cross section as σa = σγ + σf.
Neutron Absorption Cross-section
The likelihood of a neutron absorption is represented by the absorption cross section as σa. The relative likelihoods of an absorption reaction or a neutron scattering are represented by dividing the total cross section into scattering and absorption cross sections:
σt = σs + σa
Given a collision, σa / σt is the probability that the neutron will be
absorbed and σs / σt is the probability that the neutron will be scattered.
Table of cross-sections.
Source: JANIS (Java-based Nuclear Data Information Software); The JEFF-3.1.1 Nuclear Data Library
Xenon – 135. Neutron absorption and scattering. Comparison of cross-sections.Source: JANIS (Java-based Nuclear Data Information Software); The JEFF-3.1.1 Nuclear Data Library
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